Help create more opportunities to learn & enjoy music through percussion in our community
Let's make a change
There is more than one way to support our mission
In Person or Mail
12770 SW 125th Ave
Unit 101
Miami, Fl 33186
Our community is in need of accessible opportunities to engage the arts in frequent, lasting, and transformative ways. Families express wanting to connect with each other through shared interests while exposing their children to arts education and cultural events that enhance what is offered in the school setting. Artists also need opportunities to support themselves through sharing their passion and knowledge with others.
The SFCPA is dedicated to the study and performance of music through percussion. Research has confirmed that the study and performance of music has beneficial effects on children's academics, communication, self-esteem‚ and social behavior. Using the unique characteristics of percussion, we make these benefits accessible to our community’s youth through various programs.
We have built a network of support, knowledge, and resources that includes artists, families, instruments, and space. We are committed to taking part in the growing interest in our community for arts engagement.

A vision for the future,
Investing in healthy
South Florida Communities
The SFCPA has launched an initiative to make music culture present in the lives of families in our community through the use of percussion as a foundation. We plan to do this in three ways:
Raising awareness:
Building a culture
of appreciation:
Hosting and promoting
Spreading our mission via school and community presentations on the benefits and joy of playing music together.
Percussion is fun and intuitive, giving even the youngest participants positive feedback just a few minutes into experimentation.
Learning rhythm is essential to general musical education, regardless of instrument.
Providing free and affordable educational programs at our center, satellite locations, and community public spaces.
Creating a community of students proficient in basic techniques and knowledge of percussion instruments, music notation reading, team work, and rehearsal and performance skills.
Hosting free, affordable, and accessible performances and cultural events that keep our home grown artists playing in our city and investing in the education of future generations of music supporters.
To all that support our mission from schools, organizations, companies and individuals, Thank you!
